Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Last 20 Searchengine Queries Unique Visitors

01 Oct, Wed, 11:59:48 Google: hurricane juan pics
01 Oct, Wed, 14:20:52 Google: hurricane juan pics
01 Oct, Wed, 21:31:59 Google: hurricane juan pics
01 Oct, Wed, 23:04:42 Yahoo: +"american idol" +"worst auditions"
03 Oct, Fri, 11:25:43 Google: hurricane juan pics
04 Oct, Sat, 19:11:43 Yahoo: ticklish as
04 Oct, Sat, 22:13:57 Yahoo: hurricane juan halifax pics
04 Oct, Sat, 22:38:26 Yahoo: hurricane juan halifax pics
05 Oct, Sun, 19:07:08 Google: halifax hurricane juan pics
06 Oct, Mon, 07:04:34 Google: can you hack starchoice
06 Oct, Mon, 14:18:28 Google: starchoice hack
06 Oct, Mon, 14:49:50 Google: halifax juan pics
06 Oct, Mon, 18:21:46 Google: evel and another thing
07 Oct, Tue, 07:02:58 Yahoo: ticklish son
07 Oct, Tue, 18:17:24 Google: StarChoice hack
07 Oct, Tue, 22:14:15 Google: satellite signal starchoice hack
08 Oct, Wed, 21:14:46 Google: hurricane juan pics
10 Oct, Fri, 15:10:58 Google: how to hack starchoice
10 Oct, Fri, 16:13:40 Google: jeff parsons blaster
15 Oct, Wed, 17:19:43 Google: how to hack starchoice